
Seeking teams of two or more faculty members to develop and implement innovative solutions to problems in your community.

教师创新资助 are available for 6-month development efforts (STEP 1) that result in one or more deliverables as defined below. The purpose of the FIG program is to build sustainable entrepreneurial efforts that lead to implementation of innovative solutions to problems that matter in your community.* Successful project teams will be invited to expand and scale their efforts in a follow-on funding program (STEP 2) that develops student entrepreneurship in multidisciplinary teams. A cycle of STEP 1/STEP 2 funding can last 12-18 months and be awarded up to $10k.

幻灯片 来自图Q&A 2022年10月5日.


A prototype, implementation, or full solution to your well-defined problem. 你的解决方案应该:

  1. demonstrate a tangible benefit and 价值 to your community
  2. Expand opportunities for members of your community to participate in development and/or implementation of the solution
  3. Demonstrate innovative use of existing or new technologies
  4. Have well-defined and measurable outcomes within the period of performance
  5. 有一个可行的评估组件

Note that your innovation need NOT result in a commercial product or service. 创新创造 价值 for stakeholders and that 价值 is not necessarily economic in this context. 


Full-time Carthage faculty on tenure-track or on multi-year contracts with at least one year remaining on contract at application due date are eligible to propose as Project Leads. At least two faculty who meet the eligibility criteria for Project Leads must be identified on the proposal. Part-time staff and faculty are eligible to participate as part of the project team but cannot serve as Project Leads.




3-5个Step 1奖项/年. Anticipate 2-3 Step 2 awards during the second round of calls each year.


Awardees may use the FIG funds to support faculty stipends, 学生工作者, 软件, 设备, 会议, 以及本地或区域旅游. All expenses must be directly related to the execution of the award.


*社区: A classroom, academic division, neighborhood, college, city, nation, or planet. The successful FIG applicant will carefully define the the intended community.  

Entrepreneur: Using your unique knowledge and skills to create new opportunities and solve problems for stakeholders.

*Innovation: For the purposes of this program, innovation is distinguished from research to the extent that innovation serves to solve problems that create immediate benefit to a community. The benefit can be broadly scoped to include economic 价值, 生活质量, 环境质量, expansion of opportunity to persons or groups historically underserved by community investment, or other communal benefits that affect stakeholders within the community. Innovation in the context of this program does not involve addressing research questions of a fundamental nature or problems that are several undefined steps away from practical implementation in a real-world setting.

计划(2022 - 2024)


11月1日 步骤1a申请截止日期
2023年1月9日 步骤1a奖项
7月10日 步骤1a:期末报告

Step 1b, 2a 应用程序s Open; Step 1a Awardee 现在ations

11月6日 步骤1b, 2a申请截止
2024年1月8日 步骤1b、2a:奖项制作
7月8日 步骤1b, 2a期末报告

Step 1c, 2b 应用程序s Open; Step 1b, 2a Awardee 现在ations

Funds for this program are provided by the Donald D. Hedberg Endowment for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 


Eligible faculty members are encouraged to submit an application here. 第一步:申请人:请审阅并使用申请表 图步骤1提案模板. 第二步:申请人:请审阅并使用申请表 图步骤2提案模板. STEP 2 proposals are by invitation only from successful STEP 1 awardees. 


还要复习和使用 图预算模板 为所需的预算提交. 最后,回顾 FIG提案评估细则

This opportunity is open to faculty from all areas of the College. 应用程序s will be reviewed by an ad-hoc committee of faculty peers. Reviews will be assessed relative to a evaluation rubric that you are encouraged to review prior to developing your proposal. Limit one application per faculty team per year. Individual faculty may participate in multiple proposal teams. Student participation is required in STEP 2 and is optional in STEP 1 projects.

项目负责人应提交申请. Both STEP 1 and STEP 2 applicants should use the same submission form below. 

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

Project proposals must include at least one faculty collaborator.
Project proposals can include additional faculty collaborators as needed. List additional collaborators separated by semicolons.
附上项目建议书PDF. See proposal guidelines for proposal guidelines.
(最多50 MB)
附加预算Excel文件. 使用FIG预算模板.
(最多50 MB)
Budget narrative can be attached as a separate PDF document here or can be included in the Excel budget sheet.
(最多50 MB)
If you are proposing additional support funding from a department, include a brief letter of support acknowledging the allocation from your department chairperson.
(最多50 MB)